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What is Core Stix?

Core Stix is a unique, versatile and adaptable free form system for Upright TrainingTM that allows you to exercise in an upright position to engage your core muscles and get the most out of every exercise! There are endless exercise routines and variations that can be performed using the Core Stix, that constantly strengthen and challenge the body.

Core Stix provides a point of stability to moderately stabilize the user but also challenges you, making you engage your postural muscles, abdominal muscles, deep pelvic floor muscles as well as back muscles. The 3-Dimentional training increases movement capabilities and challenges the body in all three planes during each training session.

Benefits of Core Stix

  • Strength and Performance Training
  • Multi Dimensional training ie. Sagital, Transverse and Frontal planes
  • Exceptionally good for Core Strengthening
  • Improves Control, Posture and Balance
  • Great for Muscle Growth due to Progressive Resistance
  • Easy on the Joints
  • Great for Athletic Conditioning
  • Great for Active Ageing (Senior Citizens)
  • Versatile and Easy to Use